Monday, September 28, 2009

Time changes everything

It seems to me that time really changes everything. For me I think that going to school for so long and then working has made time fly by these last couple of years. Some of the great friends that I once thought I had just disappeared. I had a friend in high school that I was very close with and over the summer one year we got into this argument and things have been so different between her and I. It is so weird when I see her because I think about all the great times that we had and all the things that we did in the past. It is really sad to see how time and life really changes people and things seem like they will never be the same. Then I have other friends that I can go days, weeks, or even months without talking to and nothing ever changes. It is really astonishing to see how you know who your real friends are when time goes by. It is great to be able to pick up where you left off in a friendship when you talk to that person again.

Some of my friends are married, getting married or are in long term relationships. It is great to have people in our lives that are in the same "boat" that we are in. It is easier to talk to them about certain things and to have them so that you both have someone to confide in. The thing is, is that you dont know. People come into your life at different points. Some people you become best friends with, friends with, acquaintances, or even enemies. It is so difficult to choose who you should really be close with and sometimes you pick out the wrong people and end up getting hurt.

I have some amazing people in my life. Many times I think about how things have changed us and how there are certain times when we are so busy that we never talk. I know that I have been blessed to have some of the best friends that I have since school and then some great people that I have met along the way. It is just a journey to see who really is with you when you need someone or how even though time may changed us how close we are still. It is also hard when people move but the great things is is that no matter what you know that they are still your friend and nothing can change that!

Kreativ Blogger award

I want to thank amber and michelle for giving my the Kreativ Blogger award.I know that I do not get on a lot and post so it means a lot that they do read what I write and like it as well.

The Rules:

1.) Thank the person who gave this to you.
2.) Copy the logo and place it in your blog.
3.) Link the person who nominated you.
4.) Name 7 things about yourself that no one would really know.
5.) Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
6.) Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7.) Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know you nominated them!

So 7 things about myself that no one would really know....

1. I love to make food for my friends and family more than I like to cook for my husband because they appreciate it more!
2. I love to listen to Disney music it soothes my soul and makes my day so much brighter!
3. I am patiently waiting to know if our little baby is going to be a boy or a girl.
4. I love the fall because I like to wear hoodies.
5. I love to wear polka dots on my toenails all year long.
6. I wish i could wear flip lops year round.
7. I would rather have one day a week off than the weekend so that I can get things done around the house!

My Nominees for the Kreativ Blogger Award are:

3. Laura at "Just my days"
6. Ashley at "Dog tags and Pearls"
7. And of course amber and michelle!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

our little one

I know that I have not been on a lot lately but I have been really busy! My mom has been in town for the last few weeks and I have been spending a lot of time with her! I have also been working a lot! I have been looking for a teaching job as well which does not look so promising which sucks really bad!

Anyways Russ and I went to the doctor yesterday and we got to see our little gummy bear as the woman called the baby! The little heartbeat was so exciting and I am so glad that Russ was able to go with me. It was such a great thing to see when you have been tired lately and nauseous but it seems like you are just maybe sick. It is so great to see what is making all these changes occur. I also was excited to see that we are further along that I had thought. 8 wks and 5 days and the due date is the 18th of April!!! My birthday is the 16th so that is a little exciting!!!

Here is a picture of the ultrasound of our little gummy bear.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Wedding Stuuf

All of you probably know by now that my friend Amber is getting married, which is so exciting!!!! I was looking at all of the great things that she has gotten for her wedding and it made me think of my own wedding which was not too long ago! I have made thing that included things from the wedding and I wanted to show them to all of you!

This picture is of the picture frame that I got at one of my wedding showers! The flowers are my bridal bouquet and the candles are ones we lite for our unity!

This is a picture of the picture collage that I made from our wedding as well! I took cards that people had given us as well as the napkin and program that was used for the wedding. I love the way that both of these turned out and it is nice to see the nice cards and things without having them in a box somewhere!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My Great Weekend !

First off I have been working a lot these past few weeks, which is great! I got this past weekend off and I completely enjoyed all the time I got to spend with Russ. Usually we end up getting on each others nerves but this weekend was AWESOME! Friday night we went out to eat and to see my sister, she works at Sagebrush, it was great!

Saturday morning we got up, got breakfast at Bojangles and went fishing! Russ and I fished with minnows and worms. Russ caught 2 2lb bass and some little fish! I on the other hand caught not a dang thing! I had 5 bites on my line and every time the fish would get away, it was a bummer! We then went over to his mom and dad's house to go swimming!

On Sunday we did NOTHING!!! It was the best day of NOTHING I have ever had! We laid around all day and watched t.v. We watched the movie Death Race the actor Jason Statham is a great actor, not too bad on the eyes either! I really love his voice though! Then we watched the movie Baby Mama which was funny! We ordered pizza, which was great, and I ended up going to sleep on the couch at 930!

I bought Cash (our dog) a stuffed Duck which he loves! This is a picture of him with the duck after he began destroying the poor thing!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


So... even though I graduated I just got my Diploma in the mail!!!! Now I really feel like I graduated! It is funny how the little things can make you feel so different. Now I am just waiting on my test scores to see if I am highly qualified for Kindergarten through Sixth Grade!!!

The warmer it is the more skin I see!

So I work at Kohl's and I love it most of the time. The worst is when it becomes summer time and people come in and are dressed like they are going clubbing. Now I know that the weather is warm and it is nice outside but there is a time and a place for little little skirts and tube tops. I know that some people have great bodies and want to show them off but not these people. We always seem to get the "pick" of the litter with the people that come into our store. I wish that I could carry a camera around. We get the women who are like in there 50's who are trying to look stylish and cute. We also get the really heavy people that are in the juniors sections trying to fit into sizes that were not meant for them at all. It is so funny to see the aray of people that shop in the juniors department.


Thanks Amber and Michelle for the Awe-summmmm award!!! :)

With this award you're supposed to list 7 things that make you Awe-Summm and then pass the award on to 7 bloggers you love. Make sure to tag your recipients and let them know they have won! Also link back to the Queen that tagged you.

The 7 things that make me Awe-Summm are:
1-I graduated College
2- I'm a great wife
3- I have awesome friends
4- I love to cook
5- I am looking for a job to teach the little kidos of the world
6- I love to watch CSI
7- I am a great friend !
The 7 people I give this award to are:
1- Rita

Thank you so much it means a lot to me!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Harvest and planting season = free crazy time for me!

Russ has been away on the farm these past few weeks, yeah I know I married a southern boys. Right now it is time for harvesting wheat and planting soybeans!

The big tractor is a John Deere 9500 it is very roomy to ride in and has air and a radio. This is very beneficial so that the farmers do not go crazy. It is also very fun to operate!

This is a John Deere 4440 which is also comes with ac and a radio. This contraption is not very roomy and it hurts your butt if you have to sit in it for a long time. The things on the right are soybeans. They have many different uses and are quite dry when you have to see when they are ready to be harvested. (Russ took me to a field once and showed me the way the "farmers" check to see when they are ready... what a lovely husband) Oh the things we do for "fun."

Any who I have been able to do tons of things around the house now that I am alone and at night. I get to eat supper alone which can sometimes be a big bummer and I also get to watch CSI re-runs. I am in love with CSI I watch Miami, New York, CSI that are new, everything. I love watching a murder being broken down, it seems so real and neat to see how they figure these crimes out. I don't really like to read alot or really like all the crazy drama filled series shows but I do love me some CSI. I record them while I am at work and I get to watch them when I get home.... I love it so much!!!

Also I have found that I am a avid puzzle putter togetherer. I love puzzles and how you have all the pieces but you have to wedge them all together to make something spectacular. The sad thing is, is that I can not walk away from the puzzle until it is together. I just want to see the picture all put together so that I can glue it. I have 4 puzzles now that are done and glued and I have no idea what I am going to do with them. I have found a way to fill my free time but it leaves me with puzzles that hold no purpose.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Working at the Big Kohl's

CLEARANCE... For the past 3 days I have been marking clearance at Kohl's we have tons of clothes that went clearance shorts, spaghetti straps, carpi's, pants, and so much more!!!! If you have time you should really go buy some stuff.

So I love the fact that I have a job, so don't let this rant fool you!

I loath some of the people who come and shop at my store (well not my store but you know.) Kohl's gives people whatever they want and I mean whatever. We have this *wonderful* policy of "YES WE CAN" now I know that this is a little misleading for some of our customers and they think that they can do anything. We had a lady today that only wanted to buy one of the bogo luggage that we have on sale this week. ( I consider bogo crazy for Kohl's because most of the time our sales are better than bogo, anyways) So I give her the stupid luggage for half off "yes we can" policy. Then the lady has these pants that had something on them so I gave her 10% off again "yes we can" policy. Then she says that another pair of pants has a mark since she seen that I gave her 10% off. I could not find a mark and she couldn't find it again so no 10% off. Then she realized that she is spending too much money and has me take some of the clothes that are not clearance off, okay I can do that! She then proceeds to let me know that there is some sort of mysterious mark on the luggage piece that she had... I, however, could not find the mark and she couldn't find it either. She then persisted that we have different lights at customer service to make it harder to find the spot she was looking for, crazy! So I give her another10% off her already lowered priced luggage. Guess what she even has a coupon, how lovely, and aggravating. I wanted to say something to her about all the hassle that she had caused but I did not.

We do have a "YES WE CAN" policy and most of the time people use it when it is important. Some people, like the above lady, seem to know about this and take it for advantage.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The question is how do I relax?

So I think that I am going insane. I have all this free time that I am not use to having since I am finished with school. I know that this is the summer so most people are not in school anymore but I am driving myself crazy. I clean my house like everyday! It isn't that dirty but I find something to clean. I work when most people are at home and am at home when most people are at work so I can't really hangout with people. It is mainly me and the dog from day to day. I cook almost everyday even if there are things already cooked for the day I am cooking for tomorrow! I don't think that I know how to relax!
I don't really like not having plans or really being alone all the time, and it sucks! I'm hoping that I begin to stop thinking about everything in the future. Since I have all of this free time I think about painting the house, working outside in the yard, I make lists of things that I want to do today and the next day. I think about things at night before I try to go to sleep. I JUST CAN"T STOP!!!!! It is driving me and Russ crazy!
I do go to work and I love it there. Well I really don't like work but it gives me something to do and I like that aspect. I don't like retail the customers are HORRIBLE and the people that I work with they are the same way some days. I have a supervisor who really should not be there because she doesn't like to do things and I end up having to do them, yeah me! Work gives me time away from thinking about all the things that I could be doing.

I think that I need to get away and take a vacation!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

College up to GRADUATION

So I did it!!! I graduated! I think that after you spend your whole life going to school then graduating High School you have so many things to look forward to doing with your life. Some people decide to go straight to work where every they have been working while in school. Some people decide to look for jobs, some get married, have babies and become stay at home moms :) Others go to college just to find out they either don't like it, aren't cut out for it, or just get homesick. While others go to college and graduate. I think that all of the above are all choices that we make for one reason or another. I think that whichever path you have taken makes you who you are and not everyone goes to college and gets a job they were hoping for anyways.
As excited as I was to go to college I was also nervous. I started off at UNC Greensboro, which I loved, for Deaf Education, which I also love. I loved the school and all the great people that I met while I was there, I met some really great friends. From a mishap that my mom ex-husband had two and a half years later I moved back home to take care of my brother. I decided to go to UNC Charlotte. The great thing about UNC Charlotte was that my three bestest friends went there and I was able to room with one of them. I loved being there because I knew people and was close to home. I also loved getting to spend time with my besties that I had not seen since High School. Our last year together we got an on campus apartment and had some of the best times. I miss those times. I think that since then we have moved and lived with our sweeties :) I kept going to school even living in Waxhaw (45 minutes away) and having to travel. I kept telling myself I had to do it because I had gone this far. I had some awesome encouragement from many of the great people in my life.
So finally my student teaching... I forgot that I was even in school some days even though I was teaching. I loved doing it and knew that this is the reason that I was going to be graduating. I think that this last semester was the greatest because it really made me push to the extra limit. And then I did it... I graduated. I felt like I had gone to school for my whole life and I have only been out for 2 days but i feel like I should have a job and be doing the job. I knew that this was not going to happen, but in all due time I guess.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

My 8 things... why not!

Everyone else is doing it, so why not!

8 Things I Look Forward To:
1. Graduation
2. Finding a job
3. Having a baby
4. Paying off my student loans
5. Russ and I paying off our cars
6. Having enough money to blow
7. Getting my masters in something
8. Our 10 year anniversary

8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Cleaned the house
2. Went to work
3. Put gas in my car
4. Watched a rerun of the hills
5. Made mini pizzas out of English muffins
6. Paid the car insurance
7. Slept forever in the morning
8. Glued the puzzles together

8 Things I Love:
1. Russ
2. Old couples who are nice to each other
3. Seeing babies
4. Getting a pedicure
5. Chicken
6. being able to ride with the windows down
7. having a clean house
8. cupcakes

8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
1. Spend more time with my mom
2. Win the lottery
3. Go on vacation whenever I wanted
4. Lost weight
5. Not have to shave
6. Have a permanent tan
7. Live in the middle of nowhere
8. Not worry

8 Shows I Watch:
1. Jon and Kate plus eight
2. Baby story
3. Bridezilla
4. My big redneck wedding
5. Suite life of Zack and Cody
6. Wizards of Waverly Place
7. Golden Girls
8. Anything Disney

Friday, May 1, 2009

Graduations on the way!

Student teaching is over (tear.) I loved my cooperating teacher, the kids in my class, and all the people at the school. I felt excepted into the teacher world while I was there, it was great! I loved teaching, playing with the children, and overall learning from them as well as the teachers. I know know so much more than you could ever learn from a book. I am lucky to have been able to have this experience. The best part is that I made an A.
I was so sad on Friday because it was my last day at the school. I kept telling myself I was not going to get upset, but really that is not me. All the kids went to the carpet and were strangely really quiet and then my teacher posed the question "what should we do?" Some of the children said have a birthday party. They don't really know about different kinds of parties and that is what they are use to having parties for so that was cute. So I was given a present and as I oped it all the children were staring at me to see my expression. They had made me a book of all the things that we had done together, I cried, of course. The children were asking if I was alright because I was crying, My teacher had to explain that adults cry because they are happy sometimes. Then all the children all gave me a big hug, which did not help the crying situation. We had a cake made from cupcakes, my favorite. She read the Dr. Seuss book
Hooray for Diffendoofer Day, it was great!

This Saturday I will be GRADUATING!!! I am excited as well as scared! I am so excited because I will have more time to spend with my honey, my family and friends. I am scared because I don't know about finding a job or what I am going to do with all of this free time I am going to have now! I guess I have been in school so long that it is going to feel really weird not to go to the University, have homework or have to listen to some teacher talk and have to take note! I am trilled that that is over! I have plans to go to school to do different things and hopefully that will come true, with this economy who knows! I am just so exciting to be accomplishing all the "big humps" in life (getting married and graduating) you hope that you will accomplish these goals but you never really know if they are going to happen. I am so glad that I was able to get to this place in my life....
Next Hump :
Finding a job
Keeping the job
Having a little one

Saturday, April 18, 2009

My b-day

I just want to thank everyone for all the b-day wishes! Russ and I had an awesome time on my b-day!!!! He started the day off rather crazy because he misplaced his wedding ring but we found it under our bed, crazy! Then he told me that I needed to be ready at 7 and would not tell me for what or why. I was ready and he took me to Nakato's, we had never been. It was amazing and I loved the show and food. We came home and ate cupcakes that he had made me and they were delicious!

Great weather... lets plant

So Russ and I have had 2 wonderful sunny days together! We had decided that we wanted to make our yard look really pretty this year! On Friday Russ brought home the skid steerer. When it rained really bad one weekend the end of our driveway washed out and there was a dip. I had been requesting that he bring something home to fix the road, and he did!!!

I had decided that I wanted to make our flower beds look colorful so my grandmother and I picked out places for all of our bulds and seeds to go. I planted some zinnias, sweet peas, calla lily's (pink and yellow), gladiolus, and multicolored lily's. Russ also got two azalea bushes for free so we planted them. Today Russ' mom and I went to Laney's (a nursery) and got a rose bush (pink) and a azalea (hot pink). Russ got two azaleas (a small pink one and a small white one) for free!!!! So we have spent the day planting these flowers.

We also went to Lowe's and picked up some petunias, because I love them so, and I planted them for my porch.

I hope that all of our flowers come up this year because I have worked really hard digging and watering and trying to find the right place for all the flowers. I just love spring, all the flowers, and all the great smells that go along with the season.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Our new title

I have decided to change the name of our blog because everyone was changing theirs to these catchy, fun titles. So Russ and I came up with our new name and we love it because it describes our professions. Russ grades land for housing developments and what not and I will be grading papers or grading myself on how I am doing as a teacher. I thought that this name was really great! If you have any other suggestions or think that this is great just let me know what you think!! Thanks!!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Music and Relaxation

This is such an important part of my life, music! I'm not sure if you ever get caught up into a song that reminds you all the things that have happened to you. I have songs that I can remember from childhood that really speak to me. My mom was a mother who would not allow us to watch television so most of the time we danced around the house and sang to all different types of songs. I find myself many days sitting in the house with the music on and singing out loud or dancing crazy! Music to me is a stress reliever and a relaxation technique for me. I listen to the beat, the words and many songs I take a meaning from. I listen to angry kick someone's ____ music or I will listen to really soothing songs, other times I just want to sing my heart out and sometimes get out a good cry. My favorite place to listen to music is in the car. I feel that when you are in the car you are in your own world. You control the music, your speed, and inadvertently your current and future mood.


I met a man today who was talking about taking time everyday for yourself. Many people have forgotten how to take time for themselves throughout the day. We have to be teachers, mothers, friends, a wife, a homemaker, a daughter, a sister, a mentor, and that is just the beginning. We as females are expected to fill so many roles throughout our day. Many times we are expected to always be happy, respectful, polite, and caring. Sometimes we want to be mean, say really hurtful and ugly things but most times we are not willing to let people see that side of us. We never feel like we get enough alone time or even any time to just breath throughout the day. We did a meditation exercise. I felt a little taken back at first but then I saw that by sitting, closing your eyes and just breathing that things either sweep out of your mind or rush in. Some people are afraid of the silence while others appreciate quiet. I am one who loves noise (music.) I believe that even though sometimes our lives get really stressful and as humans we really are constantly being driven to do more and push ourselves. My things is that we have to take sometime either in the morning, in the middle of the day or right before bed to clear our thoughts and just relax. I know some think its impossible but I will tell you that I relax when I am in the car driving somewhere and it is so nice. Music is my relaxation. Find what brings you peace.... maybe it is spending time with you friends, a night out with your other half, spending time time with your children, or reading a book. Just remember to cherish every moment of everyday because that might just be the memory that helps us get through the day!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring Cleaning Fever

For those of you who know me know that I am a clean freak! For some reason lately I have been slacking which is really upsetting. Last night when I got home from work I had this obsession to clean or really organize things. I stayed up last night until 1 organizing my closet, under the sinks, the blanket closet, my coat closet that is not really for coats, and my dresser drawers. I have made a list of all the things that I want to accomplish throughout the house.
I feel like if I get things organized around the house and outside then my life will seem to be a lot simpler in different areas of my life. It is also funny to see things that I thought were lost but I am able to find them while I am cleaning. I also have tons of crafty things that I was given when russ' grandmother passed away. These crafty things are sitting all over my spare bedroom and it is driving me crazy. Russ bought two big totes so that I could go through the boxes and bags that I was given and decide what things I might be able to use when I become a teacher. I am thrilled to see how organized I can get and to see if being organized really makes me relax or if I stress over where I put things.

A 360 for now

Somethings in life don't seem to come so easy for me. I have a tough time being mean to people or saying how I really feel. I think this is because I am afraid of hurting someones feelings. For some reason this does not pertain to Russ. Although I do not want to be mean sometimes I get so annoyed by the stupid things that he does or does not do that I just want to explode.
Recently he has not been working a lot and has most of the day to sit at home and hangout. I don' t mind that he does this but I hate that he will sit on the computer or watch television all day. You can see what he has done all day because everything that he ate or drank will be around that area. The thing that bothers me the most is that he will sit there all day, with all that stuff, and wait until I get home and say something like "I've been doing stuff all day." I think that this is hilarious. I was unaware that being lazy was actually doing something.
We also have issues because sometimes if I know that he is going to be at home I will leave him a few things that he can do until I get home. Half of the time his excuse for not doing the list is that "I was watching a movie" or " I was playing with the dog." Really I mean a movie does not last all day and I know that he is not going to play with the dog for that long.
We had a really long talk Thursday about how frustrated I have became lately. I teach and work and so everything around the house. I know that I probably started our relationship by taking over and doing everything because he worked so much but I am now realizing that I can't do everything. Back to our talk, we discussed how we never have time to spend with each other and how he gets to go out on the weekend with his friends while I am working. We talked and I really think that this talk really sank in (knock on wood.) This weekend he has been so helpful doing whatever I ask, doing things that he sees needs to get finished, he actually stayed at home even though I had to work late and we actually spent some much needed time together even though I worked all weekend. Sometimes long talks and a few impolite words can get you what you want, maybe not forever but at least for right now!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Russ' B-day and more

Beginning End

Russ' Surprise b-day turned out great. He drank, and he drank, and he drank some more. You might guess that by the end of the night he was pretty trashed. He was amusing and aggravating at the same time. He has a great time and that is all that matters. We (well Amber and Kayla) got Russ to do the macarena which was hilarious. I am just glad that I was able to keep everything a secret and so was everyone else.
So my graduation date is getting closer and I am excited. Well I am excited and scared. Since there is a hiring freeze for teacher their is a chance that I am not going to be able to find a job. I am also nervous because I have been going to school my whole life or it at least feels that way. I am not sure that I am going to know what to do with any free time. I know that I have not really been able to have a life outside of school and work but I think too much time may drive me crazy. I also think that I am going to drive Russ crazy during this transition time. I know this sounds silly but I am anxious to see how everything works out and to make sure that I am not going to go crazy with all this free time. Hopefully I will be able to find a job so that I will have something to do with my time.

Saturday, February 28, 2009


So... I have been keeping a secret from Russ for about a week, which is really hard. His b-day is on Friday the 6th and I never know what to get him because he never tell you what he wants but then later he will say well I would have liked this or that. My plan is to have a party for him today, which has been something that I have had to sneak around and do things for during the week. He questions everything that I do a week before his birthday because he always guesses what is going on. Plus I am horrible with keeping gifts and surprises from him because I also get really excited. I hope that no one has told him and that it is going to be a big shock for him. I don't think that he expects things such as surprises from me. Another hard thing is that I have had Yesterday and today off. I have been with him most of the time and he asks me questions about what I have gotten him and all sorts of poking and prodding questions, annoying. I just can't wait to see the look on his face!!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Being short....

So... I know that I am short, I mean I have been this way for a while now and I don't really plan on getting any taller anytime in the future. This is something that I have learned to accept about myself and have learned to appreciate. I feel like being short gives me the sense that I am a nice person or that I am harmless, two things of which are true at times. Sometimes being short has its advantages like people aren't going to ask you to reach something for them. But sometimes being short makes situations quite strange.

The other day a man came to my house and asked me if my parents were at home. I have been asked at the gas station if I were even old enough to drive a car. I have been IDed to make sure I am the age that I tell them. Typically I brush things off my shoulder but I understand I am short, I can't reach things that are on high shelves, I have to push my seat up in the car, and I can't reach the floor in many chairs.

Being short means that I fit better in little kid chairs. I am closer to the children's level for hugs, kisses, tickles, and secrets. So for me being short is an advantage for my career choice, which I love.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

How everything is going

So the last couple of weeks have been great because of student teaching there have been some really great day and then we have had some issues with some children. Other than that student teaching has been great! Otherwise, my life is crazy! My car was possessed by demons I think or it just hated me. The car decided that when it was cold that it did not want to crank which made me late twice for two very important meetings and then once for school. Then the other day it decided that the window did not want to go up. I swear it hated me!!! Anyways, Russ and I decided that it was time that we stop dealing with the crap and trade the car in for something better. Now I am the proud owner of a Chevy HHR it is like a pt cruiser and expedition put together it is a 2008 and is amazing. At first I felt like it was a mommy car but now it feels so spacious and nice, I love it.
Also, Russ and I are doing great! We were having issues with him not working due to the slowness of construction and things. He has been sitting at home and not doing anything, frustrating. We have had many long and brutal conversations about how it is not right that I am teaching during the day and working at Kohl's at night and he is leaving his crap all over the house. At first I was really upset until recently when I think he got the message about how upset I was with him. He began cleaning up and now is helping or cooking supper sometimes. He also is doing things around that house that I do not have to ask him to do. He is actually working today and tomorrow which is nice for both of us. He is glad that he doesn't have to sit at the house all day and I am glad he is not messing it up.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

First Week of Student Teaching

I have completed my first new week of Student Teaching, yeah me for surviving. I'm just kidding it was not bad at all. I love the school, the teachers and especially the kids. First I love being called Mrs. Davis, it is so sweet when you hear it from a child. All the children so far are really receptive to me being in the classroom. They all ask me to help them or how to spell something and they are in Pre-K and know a lot more that I remember knowing when I was that age.

I feel really lucky about this week because I have not had to work just so that I can see how things go with school and how much I will be able to work. Next week I start working which is going to be a bummer. I work till 10:30 and get home at 11:15 then have to wake up for school at 5:30. I think that my body is going to crash from this change.I hope that I can manage next week.

Next week I begin "taking over" the class. My teacher and I have made arrangements for me to be full time teaching in the middle of February. I am very excited because we are thinking about some really cool ideas to do with the children while I am teaching. I can not wait to see what fun ideas and activities that we are able to come up with.


Everything else is going great. I am really amazed at Russ because he has been waking up with me and helping me in the mornings. He makes my lunch and feeds the dog while I get ready. I also had a mishap with my stupid car last week so he cranks the car in the morning to make sure that it is going to cranks, so far so good. I am really amazed at how much he is helping me out now.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Student Teaching

To begin I am completely excited about my student teaching that I will be starting on Monday. However, there are tons of things that I am very nervous about. We have so many things that we have to accomplish during the next semester and it is going to be like I have two jobs, going to school and Kohl's. At times I really wish that there was someway that I could do the student teaching without working. It is so stressful to do both. My days will begin at 530 in the morning during the week and end at 11. I hope that I am able to get all the things gathered for school and not have to stress but only time will tell.
Don't get me wrong I am thrilled to be this far in school and I can not wait to graduate. I am just aware that things are going to be crazy and my life will be hectic for sometime. I have realized that this is something that all Student Teachers deal with but I am also aware that many people are able to quit work so that they can focus on their teaching.

On the other hand everything is going great and Russ and I wish that there was some way that I did not have to work. We also feel very lucky to have been able to get me through school. I think I am just thinking too much about all the things that student teaching engrosses and I am apprehensive about how I am going to be able to manage everything. This will be a stressful and eyeopening experience that I am glad I get to experience.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


So I am completely excited about the new year! I think that things are looking great so far, even though it has just began! I am graduating, getting a real job...hopefully, Russ and I will have our 1 year Anniversary, and we plan on having a new addition. I am a planner so this is something that I am hoping happens, but you never know!
I have made a new years resolution that I will have to work really hard to keep but it is to become a little less scheduled. I know that it is completely against everything that I have ever done but I think planning everything has made me really stressed when things don't go the way I planned. Russ tells me all the time to chill and go with the flow. I am hoping that this year I will be able to accomplish this goal with the help of Russ and other around me.
Russ said to me that his new year resolution was to have a baby. I thought that this was really weird coming from him but maybe we are ready to take that step. I mean I have been thinking about this forever but for him to say it is completely different.
I am thrilled to see what this year has to bring for us and for everyone. I think that it is great to see how people grow and change from year to year. Some people you become closer to and others you grow further away from. I hope that this year brings a lot of people closer together that I really care about. I hope that this year is great for everyone!!!!