Friday, May 1, 2009

Graduations on the way!

Student teaching is over (tear.) I loved my cooperating teacher, the kids in my class, and all the people at the school. I felt excepted into the teacher world while I was there, it was great! I loved teaching, playing with the children, and overall learning from them as well as the teachers. I know know so much more than you could ever learn from a book. I am lucky to have been able to have this experience. The best part is that I made an A.
I was so sad on Friday because it was my last day at the school. I kept telling myself I was not going to get upset, but really that is not me. All the kids went to the carpet and were strangely really quiet and then my teacher posed the question "what should we do?" Some of the children said have a birthday party. They don't really know about different kinds of parties and that is what they are use to having parties for so that was cute. So I was given a present and as I oped it all the children were staring at me to see my expression. They had made me a book of all the things that we had done together, I cried, of course. The children were asking if I was alright because I was crying, My teacher had to explain that adults cry because they are happy sometimes. Then all the children all gave me a big hug, which did not help the crying situation. We had a cake made from cupcakes, my favorite. She read the Dr. Seuss book
Hooray for Diffendoofer Day, it was great!

This Saturday I will be GRADUATING!!! I am excited as well as scared! I am so excited because I will have more time to spend with my honey, my family and friends. I am scared because I don't know about finding a job or what I am going to do with all of this free time I am going to have now! I guess I have been in school so long that it is going to feel really weird not to go to the University, have homework or have to listen to some teacher talk and have to take note! I am trilled that that is over! I have plans to go to school to do different things and hopefully that will come true, with this economy who knows! I am just so exciting to be accomplishing all the "big humps" in life (getting married and graduating) you hope that you will accomplish these goals but you never really know if they are going to happen. I am so glad that I was able to get to this place in my life....
Next Hump :
Finding a job
Keeping the job
Having a little one


  1. sweet!

    yay for graduating!!! good luck job hunting! & i can't wait til you two have a lil one! you are going to be a great teacher & a wonderful mommy!

  2. The kiddos and I miss you this week! It's been a busy one, for sure! Have a great weekend and enjoy your graduation! You've worked hard and deserve that A! I had no doubt!
