Sunday, March 22, 2009

A 360 for now

Somethings in life don't seem to come so easy for me. I have a tough time being mean to people or saying how I really feel. I think this is because I am afraid of hurting someones feelings. For some reason this does not pertain to Russ. Although I do not want to be mean sometimes I get so annoyed by the stupid things that he does or does not do that I just want to explode.
Recently he has not been working a lot and has most of the day to sit at home and hangout. I don' t mind that he does this but I hate that he will sit on the computer or watch television all day. You can see what he has done all day because everything that he ate or drank will be around that area. The thing that bothers me the most is that he will sit there all day, with all that stuff, and wait until I get home and say something like "I've been doing stuff all day." I think that this is hilarious. I was unaware that being lazy was actually doing something.
We also have issues because sometimes if I know that he is going to be at home I will leave him a few things that he can do until I get home. Half of the time his excuse for not doing the list is that "I was watching a movie" or " I was playing with the dog." Really I mean a movie does not last all day and I know that he is not going to play with the dog for that long.
We had a really long talk Thursday about how frustrated I have became lately. I teach and work and so everything around the house. I know that I probably started our relationship by taking over and doing everything because he worked so much but I am now realizing that I can't do everything. Back to our talk, we discussed how we never have time to spend with each other and how he gets to go out on the weekend with his friends while I am working. We talked and I really think that this talk really sank in (knock on wood.) This weekend he has been so helpful doing whatever I ask, doing things that he sees needs to get finished, he actually stayed at home even though I had to work late and we actually spent some much needed time together even though I worked all weekend. Sometimes long talks and a few impolite words can get you what you want, maybe not forever but at least for right now!

1 comment:

  1. lol...definitely true!i'm glad that your talk helped the situation! i'm so proud of you Stace, you work so hard at everything! it's almost graduation time, hang in there!
