Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Thanks Amber and Michelle for the Awe-summmmm award!!! :)

With this award you're supposed to list 7 things that make you Awe-Summm and then pass the award on to 7 bloggers you love. Make sure to tag your recipients and let them know they have won! Also link back to the Queen that tagged you.

The 7 things that make me Awe-Summm are:
1-I graduated College
2- I'm a great wife
3- I have awesome friends
4- I love to cook
5- I am looking for a job to teach the little kidos of the world
6- I love to watch CSI
7- I am a great friend !
The 7 people I give this award to are:
1- Rita

Thank you so much it means a lot to me!

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