Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My Great Weekend !

First off I have been working a lot these past few weeks, which is great! I got this past weekend off and I completely enjoyed all the time I got to spend with Russ. Usually we end up getting on each others nerves but this weekend was AWESOME! Friday night we went out to eat and to see my sister, she works at Sagebrush, it was great!

Saturday morning we got up, got breakfast at Bojangles and went fishing! Russ and I fished with minnows and worms. Russ caught 2 2lb bass and some little fish! I on the other hand caught not a dang thing! I had 5 bites on my line and every time the fish would get away, it was a bummer! We then went over to his mom and dad's house to go swimming!

On Sunday we did NOTHING!!! It was the best day of NOTHING I have ever had! We laid around all day and watched t.v. We watched the movie Death Race the actor Jason Statham is a great actor, not too bad on the eyes either! I really love his voice though! Then we watched the movie Baby Mama which was funny! We ordered pizza, which was great, and I ended up going to sleep on the couch at 930!

I bought Cash (our dog) a stuffed Duck which he loves! This is a picture of him with the duck after he began destroying the poor thing!

1 comment:

  1. aww, I love good weekends off!

    & you look so cute in that hat!
