Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Russ' B-day and more

Beginning End

Russ' Surprise b-day turned out great. He drank, and he drank, and he drank some more. You might guess that by the end of the night he was pretty trashed. He was amusing and aggravating at the same time. He has a great time and that is all that matters. We (well Amber and Kayla) got Russ to do the macarena which was hilarious. I am just glad that I was able to keep everything a secret and so was everyone else.
So my graduation date is getting closer and I am excited. Well I am excited and scared. Since there is a hiring freeze for teacher their is a chance that I am not going to be able to find a job. I am also nervous because I have been going to school my whole life or it at least feels that way. I am not sure that I am going to know what to do with any free time. I know that I have not really been able to have a life outside of school and work but I think too much time may drive me crazy. I also think that I am going to drive Russ crazy during this transition time. I know this sounds silly but I am anxious to see how everything works out and to make sure that I am not going to go crazy with all this free time. Hopefully I will be able to find a job so that I will have something to do with my time.

1 comment:

  1. i'm glad Russ had a good time! from the pics he sure looks like he did!

    i know you must be excited that it's so close to graduation! good luck with job hunting...i'm sure you will find something!
