Monday, September 28, 2009

Time changes everything

It seems to me that time really changes everything. For me I think that going to school for so long and then working has made time fly by these last couple of years. Some of the great friends that I once thought I had just disappeared. I had a friend in high school that I was very close with and over the summer one year we got into this argument and things have been so different between her and I. It is so weird when I see her because I think about all the great times that we had and all the things that we did in the past. It is really sad to see how time and life really changes people and things seem like they will never be the same. Then I have other friends that I can go days, weeks, or even months without talking to and nothing ever changes. It is really astonishing to see how you know who your real friends are when time goes by. It is great to be able to pick up where you left off in a friendship when you talk to that person again.

Some of my friends are married, getting married or are in long term relationships. It is great to have people in our lives that are in the same "boat" that we are in. It is easier to talk to them about certain things and to have them so that you both have someone to confide in. The thing is, is that you dont know. People come into your life at different points. Some people you become best friends with, friends with, acquaintances, or even enemies. It is so difficult to choose who you should really be close with and sometimes you pick out the wrong people and end up getting hurt.

I have some amazing people in my life. Many times I think about how things have changed us and how there are certain times when we are so busy that we never talk. I know that I have been blessed to have some of the best friends that I have since school and then some great people that I have met along the way. It is just a journey to see who really is with you when you need someone or how even though time may changed us how close we are still. It is also hard when people move but the great things is is that no matter what you know that they are still your friend and nothing can change that!


  1. This is sweet & true. I hate how life gets so busy sometimes that we don't always have time for everybody. But I do love when even though it's been awhile, you can still pick up where you left off with someone!

    Like with us, we don't always get to talk, but I love ya to death and would do anything for you, and even if it's been awhile, I feel like we can just pick up where we left off! I love you Stace! :)

  2. It really depresses me to think about how much time has changed everybody. How friendships that were once so great, are now nothing. I love the friendships that no matter how long you go between seeing each other or talking, nothing changes. Thats a real friendship. I'm sorry that the one friendship you were talking about has changed so much. Hopefully she'll come around. :)

  3. Vigorously nodding my head in agreement!
