Monday, September 28, 2009

Time changes everything

It seems to me that time really changes everything. For me I think that going to school for so long and then working has made time fly by these last couple of years. Some of the great friends that I once thought I had just disappeared. I had a friend in high school that I was very close with and over the summer one year we got into this argument and things have been so different between her and I. It is so weird when I see her because I think about all the great times that we had and all the things that we did in the past. It is really sad to see how time and life really changes people and things seem like they will never be the same. Then I have other friends that I can go days, weeks, or even months without talking to and nothing ever changes. It is really astonishing to see how you know who your real friends are when time goes by. It is great to be able to pick up where you left off in a friendship when you talk to that person again.

Some of my friends are married, getting married or are in long term relationships. It is great to have people in our lives that are in the same "boat" that we are in. It is easier to talk to them about certain things and to have them so that you both have someone to confide in. The thing is, is that you dont know. People come into your life at different points. Some people you become best friends with, friends with, acquaintances, or even enemies. It is so difficult to choose who you should really be close with and sometimes you pick out the wrong people and end up getting hurt.

I have some amazing people in my life. Many times I think about how things have changed us and how there are certain times when we are so busy that we never talk. I know that I have been blessed to have some of the best friends that I have since school and then some great people that I have met along the way. It is just a journey to see who really is with you when you need someone or how even though time may changed us how close we are still. It is also hard when people move but the great things is is that no matter what you know that they are still your friend and nothing can change that!

Kreativ Blogger award

I want to thank amber and michelle for giving my the Kreativ Blogger award.I know that I do not get on a lot and post so it means a lot that they do read what I write and like it as well.

The Rules:

1.) Thank the person who gave this to you.
2.) Copy the logo and place it in your blog.
3.) Link the person who nominated you.
4.) Name 7 things about yourself that no one would really know.
5.) Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
6.) Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7.) Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know you nominated them!

So 7 things about myself that no one would really know....

1. I love to make food for my friends and family more than I like to cook for my husband because they appreciate it more!
2. I love to listen to Disney music it soothes my soul and makes my day so much brighter!
3. I am patiently waiting to know if our little baby is going to be a boy or a girl.
4. I love the fall because I like to wear hoodies.
5. I love to wear polka dots on my toenails all year long.
6. I wish i could wear flip lops year round.
7. I would rather have one day a week off than the weekend so that I can get things done around the house!

My Nominees for the Kreativ Blogger Award are:

3. Laura at "Just my days"
6. Ashley at "Dog tags and Pearls"
7. And of course amber and michelle!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

our little one

I know that I have not been on a lot lately but I have been really busy! My mom has been in town for the last few weeks and I have been spending a lot of time with her! I have also been working a lot! I have been looking for a teaching job as well which does not look so promising which sucks really bad!

Anyways Russ and I went to the doctor yesterday and we got to see our little gummy bear as the woman called the baby! The little heartbeat was so exciting and I am so glad that Russ was able to go with me. It was such a great thing to see when you have been tired lately and nauseous but it seems like you are just maybe sick. It is so great to see what is making all these changes occur. I also was excited to see that we are further along that I had thought. 8 wks and 5 days and the due date is the 18th of April!!! My birthday is the 16th so that is a little exciting!!!

Here is a picture of the ultrasound of our little gummy bear.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Wedding Stuuf

All of you probably know by now that my friend Amber is getting married, which is so exciting!!!! I was looking at all of the great things that she has gotten for her wedding and it made me think of my own wedding which was not too long ago! I have made thing that included things from the wedding and I wanted to show them to all of you!

This picture is of the picture frame that I got at one of my wedding showers! The flowers are my bridal bouquet and the candles are ones we lite for our unity!

This is a picture of the picture collage that I made from our wedding as well! I took cards that people had given us as well as the napkin and program that was used for the wedding. I love the way that both of these turned out and it is nice to see the nice cards and things without having them in a box somewhere!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My Great Weekend !

First off I have been working a lot these past few weeks, which is great! I got this past weekend off and I completely enjoyed all the time I got to spend with Russ. Usually we end up getting on each others nerves but this weekend was AWESOME! Friday night we went out to eat and to see my sister, she works at Sagebrush, it was great!

Saturday morning we got up, got breakfast at Bojangles and went fishing! Russ and I fished with minnows and worms. Russ caught 2 2lb bass and some little fish! I on the other hand caught not a dang thing! I had 5 bites on my line and every time the fish would get away, it was a bummer! We then went over to his mom and dad's house to go swimming!

On Sunday we did NOTHING!!! It was the best day of NOTHING I have ever had! We laid around all day and watched t.v. We watched the movie Death Race the actor Jason Statham is a great actor, not too bad on the eyes either! I really love his voice though! Then we watched the movie Baby Mama which was funny! We ordered pizza, which was great, and I ended up going to sleep on the couch at 930!

I bought Cash (our dog) a stuffed Duck which he loves! This is a picture of him with the duck after he began destroying the poor thing!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


So... even though I graduated I just got my Diploma in the mail!!!! Now I really feel like I graduated! It is funny how the little things can make you feel so different. Now I am just waiting on my test scores to see if I am highly qualified for Kindergarten through Sixth Grade!!!

The warmer it is the more skin I see!

So I work at Kohl's and I love it most of the time. The worst is when it becomes summer time and people come in and are dressed like they are going clubbing. Now I know that the weather is warm and it is nice outside but there is a time and a place for little little skirts and tube tops. I know that some people have great bodies and want to show them off but not these people. We always seem to get the "pick" of the litter with the people that come into our store. I wish that I could carry a camera around. We get the women who are like in there 50's who are trying to look stylish and cute. We also get the really heavy people that are in the juniors sections trying to fit into sizes that were not meant for them at all. It is so funny to see the aray of people that shop in the juniors department.