Saturday, February 28, 2009


So... I have been keeping a secret from Russ for about a week, which is really hard. His b-day is on Friday the 6th and I never know what to get him because he never tell you what he wants but then later he will say well I would have liked this or that. My plan is to have a party for him today, which has been something that I have had to sneak around and do things for during the week. He questions everything that I do a week before his birthday because he always guesses what is going on. Plus I am horrible with keeping gifts and surprises from him because I also get really excited. I hope that no one has told him and that it is going to be a big shock for him. I don't think that he expects things such as surprises from me. Another hard thing is that I have had Yesterday and today off. I have been with him most of the time and he asks me questions about what I have gotten him and all sorts of poking and prodding questions, annoying. I just can't wait to see the look on his face!!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Being short....

So... I know that I am short, I mean I have been this way for a while now and I don't really plan on getting any taller anytime in the future. This is something that I have learned to accept about myself and have learned to appreciate. I feel like being short gives me the sense that I am a nice person or that I am harmless, two things of which are true at times. Sometimes being short has its advantages like people aren't going to ask you to reach something for them. But sometimes being short makes situations quite strange.

The other day a man came to my house and asked me if my parents were at home. I have been asked at the gas station if I were even old enough to drive a car. I have been IDed to make sure I am the age that I tell them. Typically I brush things off my shoulder but I understand I am short, I can't reach things that are on high shelves, I have to push my seat up in the car, and I can't reach the floor in many chairs.

Being short means that I fit better in little kid chairs. I am closer to the children's level for hugs, kisses, tickles, and secrets. So for me being short is an advantage for my career choice, which I love.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

How everything is going

So the last couple of weeks have been great because of student teaching there have been some really great day and then we have had some issues with some children. Other than that student teaching has been great! Otherwise, my life is crazy! My car was possessed by demons I think or it just hated me. The car decided that when it was cold that it did not want to crank which made me late twice for two very important meetings and then once for school. Then the other day it decided that the window did not want to go up. I swear it hated me!!! Anyways, Russ and I decided that it was time that we stop dealing with the crap and trade the car in for something better. Now I am the proud owner of a Chevy HHR it is like a pt cruiser and expedition put together it is a 2008 and is amazing. At first I felt like it was a mommy car but now it feels so spacious and nice, I love it.
Also, Russ and I are doing great! We were having issues with him not working due to the slowness of construction and things. He has been sitting at home and not doing anything, frustrating. We have had many long and brutal conversations about how it is not right that I am teaching during the day and working at Kohl's at night and he is leaving his crap all over the house. At first I was really upset until recently when I think he got the message about how upset I was with him. He began cleaning up and now is helping or cooking supper sometimes. He also is doing things around that house that I do not have to ask him to do. He is actually working today and tomorrow which is nice for both of us. He is glad that he doesn't have to sit at the house all day and I am glad he is not messing it up.